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February 22, 2008

NYPIRG: Expand Recycle Bottle Bill Refund

Students from the New York Public Interest Research Group chapters at Queens College and Queensborough Community College are urging lawmakers to update New York’s Bottle Bill.

Students Urge Lawmakers to Expand Bottle Bill

NYPIRG usually has strong points and make their concerns heard. This suggestion is great because most of the waste you find on todays streets are water bottles, while most cans and glass bottles are recycled. The more benefit people get from recycling the more likely they are to do it. The 5 cents is almost irrelevant I think if they up it to 10 cents we will see much cleaner streets and parks in Queens.

Update: Survey of Beverage Containers


A Family/Group Member said...

sometimes I feel it is worth a try.

Unrulyweds said...

Here in LA, a lot of homeless folks recycle anything that can be recycled. I think our rate is 5 cents also, but it sure would help them out to up it a bit!